८ दिसम्बर २०२० । मैथिली जिन्दाबाद!!
नेपालक आगामी जनगणना मे मातृभाषा
आब किछुए समय मे नेपालदेशक नव जनगणना होयत। नया जनगणना मे विविध बात पर तथ्यांक संकलन करैत नीति-नियन्ता लोकनि राज्य आ प्रजा बीच सुमधुरता बढेबाक, सरकारी सुविधा बहाल करबाक आ आरो राज्य संचालनक विभिन्न पक्ष केँ ध्यान रखबाक कार्य करता। जनगणना मे तथ्यांक संकलन घर-घर जा कय अभिकर्ता द्वारा निर्धारित कौलम मे विभिन्न तरहक जानकारी संकलन कयल जाइत छैक, परिवार के मुखिया, धिया-पुताक संख्या, कतेक पढाई-लिखाई, कोन तरहक घर, केकरा नाम मे घर-जग्गा व अन्य सम्पत्ति, कतेक वार्षिक आय, मातृभाषा व आन कोन-कोन भाषाक जानकार छी, आदि। हरेक दस साल मे होइवला यैह जनगणनाक आधार पर सरकार अपन जनताक सुख-सुविधा आ विकास केर नव-नव योजना बनबैत अछि।
विगत जनगणना सम्बन्ध जे मुख्य बात सब अछि तेकर व्योरा तथ्यांक विभाग केर वेबसाइट आर्काइव सँ एना भेटल अछि। एहि मे कुल जनसंख्या, पुरुष आ महिला संग विभिन्न उम्र समूह केर संख्या, घर केर प्रकार, सर्वाधिक आबादी आ न्युनतम आबादी क्षेत्र, सर्वाधिक साक्षर आ अल्पतम साक्षर केर जिला, आदि अनेकों महत्वपूर्ण बात पर प्रकाश देल गेल अछि। कम सँ कम सरोकारवाला सब केँ आ भाषा आधारित अधिकार केर वकालत कयनिहार समस्त लोक केँ ई सब बातक वृहत् जानकारी जरूर रखबाक चाही।
काल्हि भोर संस्थाक संस्थापक-संचालक राजकुमार महतो जीक अगुवाई मे आगामी जनगणना मे मैथिली भाषा ऊपर सम्भावित संकट सँ कोना बचल जाय ताहि विषय पर चर्चा भेल छल। ई एकटा अनौपचारिक आ आन्तरिक विमर्श रहय जाहि मे मैथिली भाषा ऊपर लगायल जा रहल कतेको तरहक आक्षेप आ समाज मे जाति-पाँति मे भाषाक नाम पर फूट-फूटौव्वैल के प्रयास पर चिन्तन कयल जा रहल छल। विमर्श केँ शीघ्रे वृहत् रूप देबाक लेल बस एक तरहक विषय प्रवेश करेबाक प्रयास श्री महतो कयलनि जाहि मे वरिष्ठ साहित्यकार रामभरोस कापड़ि भ्रमर संग मैथिली साहित्य सभा केर सभापाल प्रेम विदेह ललन व विभिन्न अभियानी लोकनि मे विजय सिंह, सुरेश कुमार यादव, सरिता साह, अंजू यादव, गजेन्द्र गजूर, दिपेन्द्र मेहता मैथिल, विन्देश्वर ठाकुर, करुणा झा, आदिक संग हमहुँ भाग लेने रही। आगामी जनगणना मे मैथिली विरूद्ध अभियान चलाकय गोटेक लोक अपन मातृभाषा ‘मगही’ लिखाबय चाहि रहल छथि, कियो मैथिली सँ इतर बज्जिका, कियो हिन्दी – माने अपन शक्ति मैथिलीभाषी एकजुटता केँ कोहुना भंग कय आबयवला जनगणना मे मैथिली सँ इतर अपन प्रविष्टि देबय चाहि रहल छथि। एहि तरहक कार्य मे प्रायोजित ढंग सँ खूब पाय-कौड़ी खर्च कयनिहार सेहो अछि जेकर नाम एखन गोपनीयता भंग नहि हो ताहि लेल नहि राखल जा रहल अछि – एहि सब विन्दु पर राजकुमार महतो समान प्रखर सामाजिक अभियन्ता चिन्ता करैत मैथिली केँ कमजोर करबाक षड्यन्त्र केँ असफल बनेबाक लेल चिन्तन कार्यक्रम रखने रहथि।
बहुत रास विन्दु पर चर्चा भेल। जेना कि होइत आयल अछि, जातिवाद आ ब्राह्मणवाद केर संघर्ष मे विश्वक एक प्राचीन आ समृद्ध भाषा मैथिली पिसायल जा रहल अछि – एहि बात पर विमर्शी लोकनि विचार रखलनि, धरि आगामी दिन मे मैथिली भाषाभाषी केँ सजगता सँ अपन मातृभाषा सम्बन्धी तथ्यांक मैथिली लिखेबाक लेल अपील जारी करबाक बात पर सेहो कि सब करबाक चाही, संस्थागत कि सब कयल जाय, व्यक्तिगत स्तर पर कि सब संभव छैक, कलाकार, रंगकर्मी व समस्त मैथिली अभियानी लोकनि सेहो अपन-अपन स्तर सँ आमजन मे पसारल गेल वा पसारल जा रहल भ्रम सँ कोना बचथि, ताहि सब विन्दु पर विमर्श भेल।
हमर विचार हम स्पष्ट रूप सँ कहलियनि जे जहिना ५०% केर सामर्थ्य देखबैत मधेशवाद आ मधेशी केर विभेद आ उत्पीड़न विरूद्ध एकटा सशक्त आवाज छल, तहिना ४४.६% नेपाली मातृभाषी केर बाद दोसर सर्वाधिक मातृभाषी ११.७% मैथिलीक छैक नेपाल मे। जहिना ५०% संख्याक सामर्थ्य केँ आपस मे ओझराकय विखंडित करैत २०% सँ नीचाँ आनि देल गेल, ताहि मे सेहो कय प्रकारक जातीय आधारित झगड़ा (आपसी विभाजन) कय देल गेल अछि – ठीक तहिना ओ अदृश्य-दृश्य राजनीतिक शक्ति आब मैथिली केँ विखंडित करबाक नवका योजना भत्ता खुआ-खुआकय ओही व्यक्ति सभ केँ यूज करैत कय रहल अछि जे ‘पिछड़ा वर्ग’ केर अधिकार लेल विगत एक दशक सँ सिर्फ अपन गोटी सुतारलक। आब भाषाक भ नहि बुझनिहार मैथिलीभाषाभाषीक शक्ति केँ विखंडित करबाक लेल जाति-पाँति मे विभाजित करैत ब्राह्मण-कायस्थक अतिरिक्त लोकक भाषा ‘मगही’ होयबाक दम्भ भरैत अछि आर एहि तरहें समाज मे बाभन-कायस्थ सँ विभिन्न तरहक क्षोभ रखनिहार हजारों-लाखों लोक अपना केँ ‘मगही’भाषी होयबाक विन्दु पर भ्रमित कय रहल अछि। एहेन मूर्ख केँ उपदेश देला सँ ओकर प्रकोप आरो बढतैक, तखनहुँ हम सब अपन-अपन स्तर सँ जनजागरण अभियान चलायब से गछैत छी। मोरंग, सुन्सरी आ झापा केर तीन जिला मे ई अभियान कोना पहुँचय ताहि पर हम आरो गम्भीरता सँ सहयोगी सब सँ विमर्श करबाक वचन देल।
ता धरि नेपालक जनगणनाक आरो मुख्य आ महत्वपूर्ण बात पर एक नजरि देल जाउः
Major Highlights
1. Household information
1.1 Population and Households: Population of Nepal as of the census day (June 22, 2011) stands at 26,494,504 showing population growth rate of 1.35 per annum. Similarly, Total number of households in the country is 5,427,302 with 5,423,297 individual households and 4,005 institutional households (Barracks, Hostels, Monasteries etc).
1.2 Ownership of housing units: Altogether, 85.26 percent of the households reside in their own house whereas 12.81 percent in rented, 0.63 percent in institutional and 1.30 percent in other arrangements. In urban areas, 40.22 percent live in rented house. Kathmandu district has the highest percentage (58.65) of households living in rented house.
1.3 Type of foundation of house: Nearly ten percent (9.94 %) of total households live in houses with the foundation having RCC pillar, 17.57 percent households in house with foundation made up of cement-bonded bricks, 24.9 percent in wooden pillar, 44.21 percent in mud-bonded bricks and 2.33 in other type of foundations. In urban areas, 28.42 percent of the households live in houses with the foundation having RCC pillars.
1.4 Type of outer wall: Highest number of households (41.38 percent) live in houses which has outer wall made of mud bonded bricks or stone followed by outer wall made of cement bonded bricks or stone(28.74 percent), bamboo wall (20.23 percent) and wood/planks (5.31 percent).
1.5 Roof of the house: Twenty Eight percent of the total households live in houses roofed with galvanized sheet followed by tile/slate (26.68 percent), RCC (22.48 percent) and thatched/straw roof (19.03 percent).
1.6 Source of drinking water: Tap/Piped water is the main source of drinking water for 47.78 percent of the total households. Tube well/hand pump is the main source of drinking water for about 35 percent of the total households, while spout, uncovered well/kuwa and covered well/kuwa are the main source for 5.74 percent, 4.71 percent and 2.45 percent respectively.
1.7 Usual fuel for cooking: About two-third of the total households (about 64 percent) use Firewood as usual source of fuel for cooking followed by LPG (21.03 percent), cow dung (10.38 percent). Bio-gas and Kerosene is used for cooking by 2.43 and 1.03 percent of the total households respectively. Very few households (0.08 percent) use Electricity as usual fuel for cooking. In urban areas, more than two third (67.68 percent) of the total households use LPG as their usual fuel for cooking.
1.8 Source of lighting: More than two third (67.26 percent) of the total household’s main source of lighting is electricity. Kerosene is used by 18.28 percent of the total households for lighting while solar and bio-gas is source of light for 7.44 and 0.28 percent of the total households respectively.
1.9 Toilet in the house: More than one third (38.17 percent) of the total households do not have toilet in their houses.
1.10 Household facilities: The percentage of households having various kinds of household facilities is tabulated as follows. Household facility Percentage of Households Nepal Urban Rural Radio 50.82 53.56 50.17 Television 36.45 60.67 30.66 Cable television 19.33 53.80 11.10 Computer 7.28 23.66 3.37 Internet 3.33 12.11 1.24 Telephone 7.37 22.66 3.72 Mobile phone 64.63 84.07 59.98 Motor 1.57 4.03 0.98 Motorcycle 9.58 23.62 6.23 Cycle 32.38 29.95 32.96 Other vehicle 0.68 0.65 0.69 Refrigerator 7.16 23.21 3.33
1.11 Female ownership of fixed assets: Altogether, 19.71 percent of households reported the ownership of land or house or both in the name of female member of the household. In urban areas, 26.77 percent of the households show female-ownership of fixed assets while the percentage stands at 18.02 in rural areas.
1.12 Absent member in households: One in every four households (25.42%; 1.38 million households) reported that at least one member of their household is absent or is living out of country. Total number of absent population is found to be 1,921,494 against 762,181 in 2001. The highest proportion (44.81 percent) of absent population is from the age group 15 to 24 years. Gulmi, Arghakhanchi and Pyuthan districts reported the highest proportion of their population being absent (staying abroad).
1.13 Household size: The average household size has decreased from 5.44 in 2001 to 4.88 in 2011 at the national level. The household size is recorded highest (6.44) in Rautahat district and lowest (3.92) in Kaski.
2. Individual characteristics
2.1 Population size, growth and distribution: Population of Nepal as of the census day (June 22, 2011) stands at 26,494,504. The increment of population during the last decade is recorded as 3,343,081 with an annual average growth rate of 1.35 percent. Terai constitutes 50.27 percent (13,318,705) of the total population while Hill and Mountain constitutes 43 percent (11,394,007) and 6.73 percent (1,781,792) respectively. Among the five development regions, Central development region has the highest population ( 36.45 percent) and far western region records the lowest ( 9.63 percent).
2.2 Sex Ratio: Sex ratio (number of males per 100 females) at the national level has decreased from 99.8 in 2001 to 94.2 in 2011. In abstract number, there are 796,422 more females than males in the country. Sex ratio is highest (127) in Manang district and lowest (76) in Gulmi district.
2.3 Population Density: Population density (average number of population per square kilometer) at the national level is 180 compared to 157 in 2001. The highest population density is found in Kathmandu district (4,416 person per square km) and lowest (3 person per square km) in Manang district.
2.4 Population Growth in Districts: The fastest decadal population growth rate is found in Kathmandu district (61.23 percent), and least in Manang ( -31.80 percent ). Altogether 27 districts including Manang, Khotang, Mustang, Terhathum, Bhojpur etc. recorded negative population growth rate during the last decade.
2.5 Urban Population: The urban population (population residing in 58 municipalities) constitutes 17 % (4,523,820) of the total population compared to 13.94% (3,227,879)
2.6 Working age population: The working age population (aged 15 to 59 years) has increased from 54 percent (12,310,968) in 2001 to about 57 Percent (15,091,848) in 2011 showing the population structure is shifting for enjoying demographic dividend in the country.
2.7 Household Head: Female-headed households in the country has increased by about 11 point percent from 14.87% in 2001 to 25.73% in 2011.
2.8 Caste/Ethnicity: There are 125 caste/ethnic groups reported in the census 2011. Chhetri is the largest caste/ethnic groups having 16.6% (4,398,053) of the total population followed by Brahman-Hill (12.2% ; 3,226,903), Magar (7.1% ; 1,887,733), Tharu (6.6% ; 1,737,470), Tamang (5.8% ; 1,539,830), Newar (5.0% ; 1,321,933), Kami (4.8% ; 1,258,554), Musalman (4.4% ; 1,164,255), Yadav (4.0% ; 1,054,458) and Rai (2.3% ; 620,004).
2.9 Mother Tongue: There are 123 languages spoken as mother tongue reported in census 2011. Nepali is spoken as mother tongue by 44.6 percent (11,826,953) of the total population followed by Maithili (11.7% 3,092,530), Bhojpuri (6.0%; 1,584,958), Tharu (5.8%; 1,529,875), Tamang (5.1%; 1,353,311), Newar (3.2%; 846,557), Bajjika (3.0%; 793,418), Magar (3.0%; 788,530), Doteli (3.0%; 787,827), Urdu (2.6%; 691,546).
2.10 Religion: There are ten types of religion categories reported in the census. Hinduism is followed by 81.3 percent (21,551,492) of the population while Buddhism (9.0%; 2,396,099), Islam (4.4%; 1,162,370), , Kirat (3.1%; 807,169), Christianity (1.4%; 375,699), Prakriti (0.5%; 121,982), Bon (13,006), Jainism (3,214), Bahai (1,283) and Sikhism (609).
2.11 Disability: About two percent (1.94%; 513,321) of the total population reported to have some kind of disability. Physical disability constitutes 36.3 percent of the population with disability followed by Blindness/Low Vision (18.5%), Deaf/Hard to hearing (15.4%), Speech problem (11.5%), Multiple Disability (7.5%), Mental Disability (6%), Intellectual Disability (2.9%) and Deaf-Blind (1.8%).
2.12 Literacy Rate: Overall literacy rate (for population aged 5 years and above) has increased from 54.1 percent in 2001 to 65.9 percent in 2011. Male literacy rate is 75.1% compared to female literacy rate of 57.4%. The highest literacy rate is reported in Kathmandu district (86.3 %) and lowest in Rautahat (41.7%)