साभार डा. रमानन्द झा रमण केर फेसबुक पोस्ट
डा. जयकान्त मिश्रक जन्मदिनक अवसरपर
साहित्य अकादेमीमे मैथिली

सेहे Maithili Advances : Three Steps Forward पुस्तिका थिक।
डा. जयकान्त मिश्र साहित्य अकादेमीक जेनेरल काउन्सिलक सदस्य रहथि। कार्यकारिणी समितिमे मैथिली प्रतिनिधिक रूपमे नामित रहथि। विज्ञ उपसमितिमे सेहो स्थान पओने रहथि। एहि रूपेँ ओ समस्त कार्यवाहीक प्रत्यक्ष द्रष्टा छलाह। हुनक भूमिका सर्वत्र मैथिलीक पक्षमे एक पटु वक्ताक रहल। हुनका हाथमे अखण्डनीय लिखित साक्ष्य History of Maithili Literature छलनि आ ठोरपर प्रखर वाग्मिता।
जेना कि मित्रलोकनिक आग्रह छलनि, एहि पुस्तिकामे डा. मिश्रक पूरा भाषण पाँच पृष्ठमे, तकरा बाद सुनीति बाबूक दू (Dr. Chatterji went on to describe the study of Maithili in Calcutta University under Prof. Gangapati Singh, Babuaji Mishra and others. He asserted emphatically and unequivocally that Maithili had been for a long time and is today a living language : it is in no sense a dialect of Bengali or Hindi; it has a script of its own which has been revived even in print, its own independent grammar and history, its own literary tradition, its own pride in everything belonging to itself.) तथा ओड़ियाक महान साहित्यकार हरेकृष्ण महतावक भाषणक सारांश (When several Universities of India have recognised Maithili and teach it from the lowest to the highest classes, there is no reason why we should not recognize it in this Akademi.’) देल गेल अछि। ई सब घटनाक्रमसँ संयोजित अछि।
डा. मिश्र 31 मार्च, 1963 केँ जेनेरल काउंसिलमे प्रस्ताव रखलनि जे मैथिली एक स्वतन्त्र आधुनिक भारतीय भाषाक रूपमे अंगीकृत कएल जाए। एहिपर भारतक प्रधानमंत्री जमाहिर लाल नेहरूक अध्यक्षतामे विमर्श भेल। अन्ततः ई हुनक परामर्शपर कार्यकारिणी समितिकेँ सौंपि देल गेल। समिति 14 मइ 1963 आ 23 फरबरी 1963क बैसकमे प्रस्ताव आएल आ दूनू बेर टारि देल गेल। जखन 15 मार्च, 1964केँ विज्ञान भवनमे जेनेरल काउंसिलक बैसक भेल तँ पुनः डा. मिश्र ई प्रश्न उठाए उक्त प्रस्तावक पक्षमे लम्बा बहस कएलनि। सुनीति बाबू आ हरेकृष्ण महताव जोरदार समर्थन कएलनि। एहि बहसमे देशक अनेक मनीषी भाग लेलनि। जाहिमे उल्लेखनीय छथि डा. सी. डी. देशमुख, डा. पी. भी. केरकर, डा. बी. गोपाल रेड्डी, प्रो. जे. एल. कौल, प्रो. हुमायूँ कबीर, श्री मामा बरेरकर, डा. रामकुमार वर्मा आदि।
एहिमे निर्णय भेल जे भाषाक स्वीकृतिक हेतु की कसौटी हो, तकर परामर्श देबाक हेतु कार्यकारिणी समिति द्वारा नामित पाँच व्यक्तिक एक सलाहकार बोर्ड गठित हो। इहो निर्णय भेल जे इएह सलाहकार बोर्ड 31 अगस्त 1964क भीतर स्वीकृतिक सम्बन्धमे निर्णयो करए। अध्यक्ष डा. जाकिर हुसैन इच्छा जनओलनि जे बोर्डमे भाषाशास्त्री डा. सुनीति कुमार चटर्जी आ डा. जयकान्त मिश्र सेहो रहथि। एहि बीचमे 11 मार्च, 1964केँ बिहार विधान परिषद भवनमे चेतना समिति, पटनाक तत्त्वावधानमे मैथिली भाषी सांसद आ विधायक लोकनिक आयोजित सम्मेलनमे निम्नलिखित संकल्प पारित भेल-
The conference of the Legislators and eminent Educationist of the State of Bihar convened specially in the cause of Maithili resolves after full consideration and deliberation that
i. Maithili is the mother tongue, medium of expression and vehicle of literary composition of over two crores of people of this country;
ii. Maithili has rich heritage of a fully developed and valuable ancient literature going back to a thousand years or more;
iii. Maithili continues to have the tradition of unbroken, steady and progressive literature of a high standard:
iv. Maithili has so far been recognized as a modern Indian literary language in as seven Universties of India including the Calcutta University and is being taught up to the postgraduate classes in three Universities in Bihar;
v. Maithili has been recognized as the medium of primary education and one of the modern Indian languages at the secondary state in the State of Bihar;
vi. Maithili is being taught to more than four lacs of students;
vii. Maithili is recognized as an independent literary language by a world body like the P.E.N.
viii. Maithili has been accepted and treated as an independent languages of the Eastern group of Modern Indian Languages by almost all the philologists of the country;
ix. Maithili has its own script and an independent literary tradition; Maithili is an independent language of Imdia and therfore appeals to the Sahitya Akademi and the Government of India that it may accord recognition to Maithili as an independent literary language forthwith.
एहि बीच आनो अनेक संस्था एहि दिश सक्रियता देखओलक। फलतः साहित्य अकादेमीमे मैथिली स्वीकृत भेल।
Maithili Advances : Three Steps Forward, Published by All India Maithili Sahitya Samiti, Allahabad, 1964; pp iv+12; Rs.0.25